Tuesday, March 22, 2011

1984 - Symbol

"The paperweight was the room he was in, and the coral was Julia's life and his own, fixed in a sort of eternity at the heart of the crystal," (147).

Previously in the novel, Winston purchased a paperweight from the antique shop because he is fascinated with anything from the past before this new world. This object became a huge symbol for everything Winston hoped for and desired. The paperweight was glass with a piece of coral trapped in the center of it. Here he uses another metaphor to explain the symbolic nature this object represents. The outside surface of the paperweight he compared to the room in which he and Julia rented to be alone together, and the coral he compared to himself and Julia. When in this room, Winston wished they could stay inside forever, just as the coral will forever be within the glass. The glass provided protection to the coral in that nothing could damage it in any way. It was protected from everything in the outside world. When in this room, Julia and Winston were protected as well. They did not have to deal with any thought police, telescreens, etc. Winston's ultimate desire was to stay there forever inside such a safe world of freedom.

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