Sunday, February 27, 2011

Death of a Salesman - Question 2

Death of a Salesman could be described as a tragedy. The play gives an account of Willy's life shortly before death in which we learn of his tragic flaw and his downfall. Through witnessing his flashbacks and hallucinations, the reader/viewer of the play is able to understand where Willy went wrong in his life. Willy often thinks of situations he regrets, such as the time he cheated on his wife and when Biff caught him. He regrets how his relationship ended up with his son as he recalls when Biff yells at him,"You fake! You phony little fake!" (1618). Willy had the potential to be a hero to is family if he would have overcome his pride and work for his neighbor in order to provide for his family rather than continuing to lie and borrow money. His excessive pride led to his downfall, as he frequently flashed back to the moments he regretted. These thoughts consumed him and all that he could think about was making things right with his family, leading to his tragic death that left Linda completely alone.

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