Tuesday, July 6, 2010

7. Promiscuous Paris

Throughout my reading I have become slightly disenchanted at the way many characters in the novel seem to show such affection for one another. In Chapter 3 we met Georgette which we all know was pretty forward towards Jake. The Count in Chapter 7 (page 71) was surrounded by "three girls at his table" as soon as Lady Brett and Jake left him at the bar. And Lady Brett has also deemed herself as quite the promiscuous individual. She was running around with Englishmen in Chapter 3 when she was introduced, she spent a fair amount of time with the Count, and she is affectionate with Jake after each encounter. In addition, she also informs Jake in Chapter 7 that she is moving to San Sebastian with Michael and says "I am damned fond of him...I am going to marry him," (69). How do these people not care about a little thing called true love? I would never EVER marry someone who I was only "damned fond of," especially if I knew I was in love with someone else. I am also not exactly the type of person to be fond of those men and women who just go around "showing affection" to everyone they meet. Marriage then seemed to be more about finding security once you were of a certain age. But until that time came in their lives, it seems they just did as they pleased.

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