Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Situational Irony in "Hunters in the Snow"

"Hunters in the Snow" came to a very unexpected end. Kenny was shot by Tub and they laid him in the truck bed to take him to the hospital. Naturally, the reader expects Kenny to be taken directly to the hospital and treated. However, we learn in the last sentence that "they had taken a different turn a long way back," (201). This was definitely not what I expected to happen. I am very curious why they chose not to take him to the hospital. These men seem to have odd relationships with one another throughout the story. None of them really seem to me like that great of friends. I do not understand what made Tub and Frank come together over Kenny being shot.


  1. Tobias uses tub to symbolize a human who is selfihs yet no one knows because they keep to themselves.

  2. Irony in Hunters in the Snow can be found in the observation of how although they are "hunters" and would be expected to hunt for game are rather hunting for various other reasons. Tub hunts for respect, Kenny for power, and Frank hunts for love.
